Wexford News

Reports of dogs going into 'toxic shock' after swimming at popular Wexford beach

Reports of dogs going into 'toxic shock' after swimming at popular Wexford beach
South East Animal Rescue posted to Facebook warning dog owners about 'toxic shock' at Curracloe Beach, Wexford. Image, file: Pexels

Posts have been circulating on social media reporting that dogs have been going into 'toxic shock' after swimming at a popular Wexford beach.

South East Animal Rescue posted to its Facebook account to caution people about this apparent warning.

The post reads: "We have heard that two dogs have apparently suffered seizures after swimming at Curracloe Beach. We have no other details at the moment and cannot confirm the truth as yet. Will update if there is any further information."


A pet groomer in Wexford also posted an Instagram story warning followers of these apparent incidents.

They said: "I was just down on the beach and was told that many dogs have gone into toxic shock after being in the water today. Vets say there is something in the water and a notice to not let your dogs in the water is being put up."

Wexford Vet Hospital echoed these warnings in a Facebook post and outlined symptoms pet owners should look out for which include: seizures, vomiting/loss of appetite, lethargy, and diarrhea/blood in stool.

It also assured people with concerns to give them a call.


Beat has reached out to Wexford County Council. They say they are aware of reports circulating on social media but haven't received any official reports as of yet.

We'll have more to follow.

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