The Takeover

Tweets that are too real if you have strict parents

Tweets that are too real if you have strict parents

Growing up is hard, but growing up is even harder when you have strict parents!

At the time, we hate them for it, but we grown to learn they had only good intentions and wanted to protect us from the big bad world.

Nevertheless, it was frustrating when you weren't allowed do what your friends did and you went to serious extremes to guarantee you got some freedom.

1. *Shaking* *Gulp* 






4. Or just decide not to go at all so you don't have to ask

5. Handy tip by the way

6. The sacrifices you make

7. For real? Like, really?

8. Truth. Then there's the F.O.M.O



11. "Are you CRAZY?!"

12. Or, "If you're staying at Bobby's house I want his Mother's number so I can call her and check it's okay". Ugh.

13. Strategic, but probably successful. 

Aw. It's tough. More on The Takeover with Emma tonight!
