The Takeover

#KantKopeMondays on the Takeover

#KantKopeMondays on the Takeover

Mondays... Without doubt, THE most unpopular, sluggish and miserable day of the week!

Most people feel the inevitable Monday blues at some stage on a Sunday evening.

Things like this really have the ability to ruin your day at the start of the week (NOT able)



But, don't fret, because every Monday on #TheTakeover, we do this thing called #KantKopeMonday, where we basically have a whinge about all the rubbish things that happened that day and cheer each other up as a result!



So, if you find on a Monday that the milk in the fridge is gone off, you rip your bread with butter (ugh) or you get drenched on the way to school...don't worry! We'll have a chat about it and make everything better on the Takeover!

Get is touch and let me know what your #KantKopeMonday is and you could win yourself a Beat102103 goodie bag!

Chat to you after your official #Top7at7  :)
