The Takeover

Is ploughing a good enough reason to ditch your girlfriend?

Is ploughing a good enough reason to ditch your girlfriend?

Every Wednesday night, Emma and Takeover listeners tackle your dilemmas!

This girl got in touch and thought her boyfriend was phasing her out by constantly ditching her in favour of his farming duties.

Hey Emma!

I listen to The Takeover every night and wanted to get your advice as I'm a bit worried.


I'm 16 and going out with my fella 6 months now <3. He's from a farming family and he LOVES it. Obsessed he is. He loves raving about his John Deere and always filling me in on how the lambing's going on the farm. It's very cute


We used to meet up 2 or 3 times a week after school or at the weekends. I think I really love him Emma. 

Anyway, I'm really worried coz he's been really distant lately- barely texting me back and I haven't seen him outside school.  He was meant to come to my camogie match last week but he cancelled last minute saying he was "flat out ploughing". 

That seems to be his excuse all the time lately- too busy ploughing or spreading slurry.


Should I be worried that he might be avoiding me or do I accept that farming comes first at this time of year? I always hear you giving shoutouts to busy farmers so maybe they can give me some advice.

I just hate being bottom of his priority list.

Please don't say my name on air.





Farmers in the South East had their say...



Here's what some of you thought on snapchat (beattakeover)









Do you have a dilemma for Emma? Email
