The Takeover

This teenager needed our advice on The Takeover!

This teenager needed our advice on The Takeover!

So, just imagine...

You're 15, you're getting ready for the Junior Cert and you're CRAZY about your girlfriend.

Now, your parents don't want you seeing anyone - they think you should be focusing on school- so you haven't told them about your girlfriend.

Problem is, your girlfriend wears LOADS of make up and it keeps destroying your clothes- you're now hiding clothes from your parents.


what do you do? Do you tell the girlfriend to calm down on the make up and risk upsetting her?

Or, do you come clean to the parents and risk them stopping you from seeing her?

Here's what Takeover listeners thought...


If you missed last week's dilemma, you can catch it here

And, if you have a dilemma you'd like Emma and Takeover listeners to tackle, send Emma an email-

#TheTakeover #HeartBeat
