The Takeover

13 things you'll understand if you were a horse OBSESSED kid

13 things you'll understand if you were a horse OBSESSED kid

Bring yourself back to primary school; there were the 'cool kids', the bullies, the sports-crazy kids, the teachers pets... and then, there were the Horse Obsessed Kids.

This crew was probably mainly girls who dominated the playground at lunchtime with their hobby-horses and their  pretend 'horse riding lessons.'

The Horse Obsessed Kids normally hung in clans of 5-10 and would constantly be in battle amongst themselves for the title of 'Most Horse-Obsessed 8 Year Old', or something to that effect.

We're pretty confident that you can relate to some, if not all, of the below...


1. 'The Saddle Club' were your life


You were obsessed. Dragging your poor Mother in and out of the library to change your books.

2. But THEN, it became a TV show and EVERYTHING changed.

Everybody now: "Hello worldddd, this is meeeee, life could beeeee"


Then there was Red. *heart eyes emoji*


It's also probably the first time you ever laid eyes on Chris Hemsworth. *SWOON*

3. You're so passionate that this STILL hurts. *tear*

Woah. That was intense. Are you ready for number 4?

4. Heartland

Yes. You were glued to Amy and her trials and tribulations with Lou, Grandad Jack, Ty, Pegasus and the rest of the gang.

Then there was the intense rivalry and hatred for Green Briar.

Again there was elation and huge expectation when this also became a TV show.

Speaking of utter shock...

Yes. We know. Shocking.

5. If you were lucky, you got horse riding lessons and LIVED for them.

You probably had a favourite horse that you would take every week and make sure to bring it lots of Polo mints and apples.

6. If you were SERIOUSLY lucky, you may have bullied your parents into buying you your own.

This horse was your entire world. You still get emotional thinking about the day you sold him/ her.

7. While the rest of the kids in your class were getting G.A.A. medals and trophy's, you were only chuffed with your fine collection of rosettes. 


8. All your school books were destroyed decorated with horsey doodles.


9. You wore your precious Brontรฉ jacket anywhere you could. 

10. You lived for showjumping/ hunting/ fun-rides



11. You're big dream was to marry someone as horse-crazy as you.

You wanted to be surrounded by Shetland Ponies forever.


12. You'll often say it was the best time of your life.

This post has probably made you a little emosh.

Infact, you're probably booking yourself a horse riding lesson this second.

13. Before you go... have a sing-a-long
