It was a pretty shocking Daily Dilemma this morning. A guy sent this mail to Niall and Sho.
" Seeing this girl about six weeks now and she's been banging on about her 21st party since we met. It's in two weeks time and she had invited me all along but the other night said that she thinks it'll be a good opportunity to introduce me to her parents.
I am just going to be straight up - I don't see this going anywhere long term. She's bigger than I would usually go for and all into this plus size empowerment stuff. Ya know she goes on like "Oh I'm big and beautiful". Whereas I am like "maybe just for a walk hun
Here's my dilemma - do I go to this 21st and have her show me off to all the family and friends? Seems like a lot of effort and pressure. What do you think?"
Catch up here!