
Woman jailed for refusing to wear face mask in shops and court

Woman jailed for refusing to wear face mask in shops and court

Olivia Kelleher

A 66-year-old grandmother has been jailed for the weekend for her repeated defiance in refusing to wear a mask - not only in shops but in court.

Margaret Buttimer, of The Cottage, St Fintan's Road, Bandon appeared before Clonakilty District Court earlier this week for refusing to wear a mask at Dunnes Stores in the town on February 12th last.

She was found guilty of the offence of not wearing a mask in breach of Covid-19 regulations.


Judge Colm Roberts was told that Ms Buttimer abused the store manager when he asked her if there was a medical reason why she wasn't wearing a face covering.

Ms Buttimer refused to answer the manager's queries before eventually telling him that she only answered to God.

Management at the store contacted gardai. Ms Buttimer became agitated and called manager Gary Emerson an "asshole."

Answerable to God

Gardaí arrived at the scene. She informed them that she was only answerable to God. She refused to provide her details and declined to wear a mask when she was brought to a garda station.


She told the court she didn't believe in masks but that she was sorry for calling the manager a name and hoped he would find it in his heart to forgive her.

The case was adjourned until today to give Ms Buttimer an opportunity to reflect on her behaviour.

Judge Colm Roberts said he was confused by her behaviour as she was a "pleasant woman”. However, he said she seemed to have a need for attention.

Court appearance

Today Ms Buttimer arrived at a sitting of Bandon District Court again without wearing a mask.


Judge Roberts said that the last thing he wanted to do was jail Ms Buttimer for contempt.

"This is not funny. I don't think you are appreciating the seriousness of this. She has created a situation where I have no other option. She is undermining the rules of the court and the country. Her viewpoint makes no logical sense. Her partner wears a mask and he is concerned about her.

"If she wants to be released (from custody) she will have to put a mask on. I am concerned about her decision making.”

Judge Roberts said that Ms Buttimer had turned up in the body of the court "without a mask, but worse still a smile on her face as if this is something to laugh about."


Judge Roberts said that Ms Buttimer was an "enigma" and that her family were deeply concerned about her. He found her to be in contempt of court and remanded her in custody for the weekend.

She will appear before Bandon District Court again on Monday for sentencing.

Judge Roberts said that Ms Buttimer was moving from defiance to "openly challenging the courts and the country".

Defence solicitor Plunkett Taaffe said that he was conscious of the age of his client. Mr Taaffe emphasised that Miss Buttimer’s family were concerned about her.

He spoke briefly to his client at the end of her case. She didn't put on a mask and was remanded in custody for the weekend.

She will also appear in court in relation to other similar charges on June 14th next.

Judge Roberts told her she was entitled to her relationship with God, but not to the detriment of society.
