
White Ribbon Day takes place today

White Ribbon Day takes place today

While a number of anti-violence organisations have dominated headlines of late with messages condemning gender violence, one group that hasn't garnered the same notoriety is White Ribbon - a male led movement to end men’s violence against women.

Organised by the non-profit organisation, White Ribbon Day takes place today (Nov 25th) in a bid to change the attitudes and behaviours that lead to and perpetuate men’s violence against women.

Today marks its culmination, where men and women are encouraged to wear a symbolic white ribbon as a sign of solidarity with the campaign.

Its mantra is simple: never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.


Keen to increase the impact of their message, the White Ribbon message goes beyond Nov 25th, with 16 Days of Activism planned until Human Rights Day  on December 10th. 

Also check out our MEND Programme at funded by Cosc.

Want more information? Check out ITWomen’s Podcast below. 
