
Waterford has the highest number of people without a home in the South East

Waterford has the highest number of people without a home in the South East

Waterford has the highest number of people without a home in the South East.

Nationally, there's been an increase of 3.2 percent in the number of people who are homeless.

Figures reached 8,475 in September, up by 263 on August.

The figures from the Department of Housing show there are 232 people without a home in the South East, including 39 children.


Waterford has the highest number of homeless people with 66, Tipperary has 39, both Carlow and Kilkenny have 34 people each while there are 20 in Wexford.

There's been an increase in the number of families who are homeless, up 52 in September compared to August.

A total of 2,344 children are homeless, up 7.1 per cent on August figures.
