
Unions to meet with Bord na Móna over job losses

Unions to meet with Bord na Móna over job losses

Unions will meet Bord na Móna today to discuss major job losses in the Midlands.

It is laying off 148 staff after the ESB shut a power plant at Lanesboro, Co Longford, last weekend.

The staff work in the peat sector at Mount Dillon, which supplies the electricity facility nearby.

The Lanesboro plant will be shut for up to 12 weeks because of environmental issues.


Siptu's Willie Noone says he'll be looking for answers from Bord na Móna today.

"The main answer we'll be looking for is why they have done what they did yesterday," said Mr Noone.

"To shelve our recent agreement and announce 148 redundancies before they engaged with the workers.

"The second answer we'll be looking for is why members have been told that if they're not back to work in four weeks time they have the right to look for redundancy but if they do look for redundancy they will only be offered statuary redundancy terms."
