
Gardaí establish two South East units to tackle sexual abuse and domestic violence

Gardaí establish two South East units to tackle sexual abuse and domestic violence

Two new Garda units set up to investigate sexual abuse and domestic violence will become operational in the South East today.

The divisions are in Kilkenny and Waterford in the South East along units in Dublin south central, Kerry, Galway and Limerick.

The Divisional Protective Services Units are specifically tasked with investigating sexual crime, child abuse and domestic violence with the aim of delivering a more professional approach to these sensitive types of investigations.

The units form part of the Gardaí’s modernisation and renewal programme and bring to 10 the number of specialised units in the country.


Another 19 units will be set up in the remaining Garda divisions throughout the year.

Training for officers who will work in these areas is already underway.

The first module, on Sexual Crime investigation, includes input from victims of sexual abuse.
