
Tori Towey arrives back in Ireland after Dubai travel ban lifted

Tori Towey arrives back in Ireland after Dubai travel ban lifted
Photo: Detained in Dubai

An Irish woman who had been subject to a travel ban in Dubai has returned home, according to a human rights advocacy group.

Tori Towey’s case was raised this week when the Dáil was told the flight attendant from Co Roscommon had been a victim of domestic abuse and was charged with attempted suicide.

Dubai authorities had also banned her from leaving the state, TDs heard.



On Wednesday, efforts in her case were ramped up by the Irish Government and the Irish Embassy in the United Arab Emirates.

The Dáil was told later on Wednesday that the travel ban had been lifted, and the Detained in Dubai group said the charges against Ms Towey had also been dropped.

On Thursday morning, Detained in Dubai chief executive Radha Stirling, who has been speaking on Ms Towey’s behalf, posted on social media on Thursday morning: “She’s home.”

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this article, you can contact Women’s Aid (24-hour freephone helpline at 1800-341 900, email [email protected]), Men’s Aid Ireland (confidential helpline at 01-554 3811, email [email protected]), or the Samaritans (24-hour confidential freephone helpline at 116 123, email [email protected]) for support and information. Safe Ireland also offers a number of local services and helplines at


Gráinne Ní Aodha, PA

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