
Theresa May will step aside if it helps Brexit deal pass

Theresa May will step aside if it helps Brexit deal pass

It has emerged this evening say that Theresa May has told Tory MPs that she will step aside as Prime Minister after she has delivered Brexit.

Mrs May has told Tory MPs “she would not remain in post for the next phase of the negotiations”, MP James Cartlidge said as he left a meeting of the 1922 Committee in Westminster.

Mr Cartlidge continued: “My recollection is that she said she would not remain in post for the next phase of the negotiations, the implication being that once the Withdrawal Agreement has passed, she would make way for someone else.”

According to reports, she laid out a timetable for her departure as she addressed Conservative backbenchers this evening.


MPs will tonight be asked to consider a range of eight alternative Brexit options after Parliament seized control of the Commons agenda to force a series of “indicative votes”.

They can vote “Yes” or “No” – or abstain – to each of the options put before them on a paper ballot, rather than the traditional Commons voting system.

Speaker John Bercow selected eight of the 16 proposals originally put forward by MPs for a vote on Wednesday evening.

Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: “If Brexit ends up being forced through on the basis of a deal no one supports – indeed a deal so bad that the PM has to promise to resign to get it through – it will make an already bad project even worse.”


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