
Temperatures could reach 20°C this May Bank Holiday weekend

Temperatures could reach 20°C this May Bank Holiday weekend

There could be temperatures of up to 20 degrees this May Bank Holiday weekend.

Met Éireann is forecasting some sunny spells, but that's alongside rain, hail, and thunder. However, it said the showers won't be as heavy come Monday.

Carlow Weather's Alan O'Reilly says: "I'm not sure it'll [The Bank Holiday weekend] get record-breaking heat - it'll get up to 18, maybe 19 degrees, locally 20 degrees but it will feel quite warm when that sun does shine during the sunny spells."

O'Reilly says summer is certainly on the way but that it's still too early to tell what we'll have in store.


He added: " Forecasting summers is always a very tricky one, going beyond a couple of weeks is very much still hit and miss unfortunately with the weather models.

"We have seen some very warm temperatures, record-breaking temperatures in Spain already so if we do see that Spanish plume moving up we could see some very hot temperatures but at this stage, it's too early to know"


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