
Students are being urged to keep the number of people they meet up with small as they return to college

Students are being urged to keep the number of people they meet up with small as they return to college

Students are being urged to keep the number of people they meet up with small when they return to college.

It's the start of the new semester for many colleges and ITs this week, and a new campaign's been launched with the message of Keep it Small, Keep it Safe, Keep your Distance.

The Acting Chief Medical Officer says the virus is spreading disproportionately among young people and is asking them to continue following public health advice.

Wexford-native Lorna Fitzpatrick, President of the Union of Students in Ireland, says that doesn't mean all socialising is off the cards:


"We are concerned about the impact of loneliness or seclusion on students."

"Depending on where you are in the country and the restrictions that are in place at the time, we are saying you can meet up with family and a safe way"

