
South/South West Hospital Group confirms partners will no longer be able to attend routine anatomy scans

South/South West Hospital Group confirms partners will no longer be able to attend routine anatomy scans

Due to the surge in COVID-19 infections and the move to Level 5 restrictions,  from Monday, 11th January, partners will not be able to attend the routine 20-22 week anatomy scan at the four Maternity Hospitals/units in the South/South West Hospital Group (Cork University Maternity Hospital, and maternity units in University Hospital Waterford, University Hospital Kerry and South Tipperary General Hospital).

In a statement to Beat news this morning they say;

"The South/ South West Hospital Group are very mindful of the distress these restrictions may cause and in line with national guidance, we will review these measures on a weekly basis."

"The South/South West Hospital Group fully understands how challenging visiting restrictions at our four Maternity Hospitals have been. However, in light of the move to Level 5 restrictions and the increased rate of transmission within the community there is a need to minimise footfall to our maternity units, to limit the risk of the virus spreading.  The safety of women, their babies and maternity staff is central to the provision of our maternity services which must be continuously available when required by our patients."


However in CUMH and the maternity units of UHW, UHK and STGH the birthing partner will still be able to attend:

  • as soon as the mother is in established Labour;
  • for the birth itself;
  • for delivery by caesarean section;
  • can stay for some time in the immediate post birth period either in the Labour Ward or the Theatre Recovery except in STGH the partner can return to the ward with the patient for one hour as there is no Theatre Recovery room available at the hospital;
  • When a baby is in the Neonatal Unit or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit one parent (at a time) can visit their baby – of note the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit visiting times are unrestricted.