
South East Church of Ireland bishop to support removal of the Eighth Amendment

South East Church of Ireland bishop to support removal of the Eighth Amendment

A South East Church of Ireland bishop has said he will be voting for the removal of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution in the upcoming referendum.

Bishop of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Michael Burrows is believed to be the first bishop in Ireland to publicly declare he will be voting for repeal in the May 25th vote.

Speaking to Beat News, Bishop Michael Burrows said: "While this is an agonising issue morally, legally and ethically, at the end of the day this will boil down to a binary choice in a ballot booth.

I'm not telling any other citizen what to do; bishops don't do that sort of thing nowadays. But as a contribution to the conversation, I've been willing to say that when I'm faced with that choice repeal is the way that Ireland needs to go", he continued.


We're a broad church with many views. Complex issues are not best addressed by blunt phrases in the constitution."

Image: Michael Burrows,
