
Shop finds genius way around minimum pricing for cans!

Shop finds genius way around minimum pricing for cans!
Photo by junjie xu from Pexels

A Cork shop has found a genius way of getting around Minimum Unit Pricing.

The law, which came into force last week, sets a minimum price of drinks, based on how much alcohol they contain.

It has raised the price of alcohol across the board, with an average can of stout now costing at least €1.66, a 14% bottle of wine will not be sold for less than €8.28, a bottle of 37.5% sprits will not be sold for less than €20.71, and a bottle of 43% spirits will not be sold for less than €23.75.

It's hit those who are on a tight budget the hardest, with cheaper drinks brands having their prices increased proportionally far more than more expensive types of alcohol. And now a 'big bag of cans with the lads' now costing a lot more than it ever did (and that's without the levy on plastic bags!).


This price hike is not in tax however, but all profits go into the hands of the retailer, who are now forced to sell drink at a higher price, in a plan that the government hopes will cut down on alcohol abuse.

However, one shop in West Cork has found a genius way of enforcing the law, whilst also ensuring the customer gets their cans for the same amount, though it does require a bit more liquid assets than before.

Get it? Okay we'll stop...

Sam's Gala in Dunmanway it the Twittersphere on the day of the change, with their tongue-in-cheek branding of the new 'special offer', which puts a slab of cans at €47.34


And now, if customers decide to buy a pack of plastic glasses for €30 - which just happens to be the price of a slab before the change - they receive a credit note for the exact value of €47.34

That's some coincidence!


"Ahead of the New Year, I sat down and studied the legislation and did the maths. And did the maths again because I couldn't believe the astronomical change in the price of a crate of beer from €26 to €47" shop owner Colm O'Sullivan told the

"As far as I'm concerned, I reread the legislation and I am not breaking any law in offering a credit note with every sale of 24 plastic glasses. I have strict and lengthy terms and conditions in store which have to be adhered to when redeeming the offer

"The law states that vouchers can't be used to buy alcohol but there is no mention of credit notes and I'm not in any way associating this promotion with alcohol solely as other products are on offer too.

"This increase in prices in alcohol goes directly to the retailer and I'm not proud of that so I see this as my way of giving it back by offering value in a range of products.”

An Irish solution to an Irish problem!
