
SEPAG calls on Fianna Fáil to implement Motion for 24/7 Cardiac Care at UHW

SEPAG calls on Fianna Fáil to implement Motion for 24/7 Cardiac Care at UHW

The South East Patient Advocacy Group has today called on Fianna Fáil to put down a Pricate Member's Motion to fulfil their pre-election promise  to deliver 24/7 cardiac care at UHW

The group wants this done without any more delaying tactics.

They claim that Fianna Fáil has the power to do this and with cross party support, it would almost guarantee delivery of the life saving service for 500,000 people in the South East.

S.E.P.A.G has said they can't allow the calls for the Private Member's Motion to fall on deaf ears within Fianna Fáil.


