
Ryanair baggage handler sues over arm injury

Ryanair baggage handler sues over arm injury

By Ann O'Loughlin

A Ryanair baggage handler who claimed he injured his arm when he gave a colleague a lift up to close a plane cargo hold has sued in the High Court .

Tomasz Zborowski (39), his counsel told the High Court later in his native Poland discovered he had a tear to the distal biceps and he had to have surgery.

Michael Byrne SC said the accident happened when a Ryanair flight came in to Dublin Airport and was due to fly out to Malta. He said there was a turnaround time to get bags and passengers on board and it was a “high pressure situation”. The cargo hold was about two metres from the ground and Mr Zborowski he said gave a boost up to his colleague but ruptured his biceps.


Counsel said the baggage handler was out of work for seven months after the accident and has been left with a nasty scar.

Tomasz Zborowski, Waterside, Malahide, Dublin has sued Ryanair over the accident at Dublin Airport on June 24th,2017.

He has claimed there was an alleged failure to take any precautions for his safety and an alleged failure to provide an alternative means of closing the cargo hold. He has further claimed he was allegedly permitted to lift up a fellow employee for the purpose of closing the cargo hold due to time pressure of the turnaround. He has also claimed there was an alleged failure to provide him with any or any adequate equipment to enable the cargo hold to be closed safely.

The claims are denied and Ryanair claims there was alleged contributary negligence on the part of the baggage handler. It further claims Mr Zborowski failed to avail of available machinery and appliances.


The case before Mr Justice Kevin Cross continues on Friday.
