
'Rejected' man sues woman for €2.7 million after she freindzoned him

'Rejected' man sues woman for €2.7 million after she freindzoned him

A man in Singapore is suing a woman after she told him she wanted to be friends and not a romantic partner.

Company director K Kawshigan claims the woman, Ms Tan, caused him trauma and is seeking almost €3 million in compensation.

He says the money will cover rehabilitation and therapy to overcome sustained trauma, according to The Straits Times.

The man also claims his reputation has been damaged over the alleged friendzoning.


It is understood that the pair's friendship began in 2016, however, differences in how both parties viewed their relationship arose four years later in 2020.

It is reported that when Ms Tan informed Mr Kawshigan that she was "genuinely uncomfortable" with the situation, the man demanded she either complied with his demands of a relationship or suffer damage to both her personal and professional life.

In October 2020 when Ms Tan formally requested for their interactions to be reduced, Mr Kawshigan then threatened legal action for "monetary damages arising from negligent infliction of emotional distress and possible defamation".

A second case filed by the same man against the same woman was recently thrown out and described as 'groundless' by a court.


Ms Tan has since obtained a protection order against Mr Kawshigan and instructed solicitors to file a defence and counterclaim.

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