
Police release CCTV footage of two suspects in Salisbury nerve agent attack

Police release CCTV footage of two suspects in Salisbury nerve agent attack

Detectives investigating the Salisbury and Amesbury nerve agent incidents released footage of the two suspects as they made a new appeal for information from the public.

CCTV footage of the two suspects - known by their aliases Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov - shows them as they arrive and travel around Salisbury on Sunday 4 March.

Images of a specially made model of the counterfeit perfume bottle were also issued as detectives from the Counter Terrorism Policing Network continued their investigation.

Last month, British Prime Minister Theresa May has renewed her war of words with Moscow over the nerve agent attack in Salisbury.


She again accused Russia of being behind the “sickening” incident.

Mrs May made the remarks as she thanked Nordic leaders for their support for the UK’s position in the aftermath of the attack.

Britain blamed the Russian GRU military intelligence agency for the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with Novichok in the Wiltshire town in March.

- Press Association


CCTV image issued by the Metropolitan Police of Russian Nationals Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov on Fisherton Road, Salisbury. Picture: PA
