
Number of people signing on down almost 4,000 since same time last year

Number of people signing on down almost 4,000 since same time last year

The central statistics Office has released the Live Register figures for February 2019.

In the South East, there is a total of 22,547 of people signing on.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the Live Register recorded a monthly decrease of 3,500 in February 2019, bringing the adjusted nationwide total to 196,500.

The number of people on the Register in February 2019 is also the lowest number recorded in the seasonally adjusted series since February 2008.


In the South East, there are 22,547 people signing on, that's down from 26,459 on the same month last year - a decrease of almost 4,000 people.

There are 2,647 unemployed people under the age of 25 in the region - 1,546 males and 1,101 females.

For those over the age of 25, 11,092 are males and 8,808 are female - bringing that total to 19,900.

That brings the total number of people signing on in the South East to 22,547.
