BreastCheck, the national breast cancer screening programme, will begin screening women in the South Tipperary area from 20 June 2022.
Women who are eligible will receive their letter of invitation from the National Screening Service programme over the next few months.
In previous years this screening round has taken place in Clonmel at various locations in the grounds of Tipperary University Hospital (TUH).
However, in response to feedback from women using the service, this location has now been changed.
This breast screening round will instead take place in HSE Primary Care Centre Cahir, Rosemount Close, Barnora, Cahir, Co. Tipperary, E21 KF83.
The facility offers those attending for screening the following:
- Comprehensive onsite free parking close to the mobile unit
- Easy access the site by car, bus and train
Suzanne Lynch, BreastCheck Programme Manager, said:
“It’s our aim for as many women as possible to take up their invitation to breast screening, which means addressing any barriers they may have.
"The new site overcomes accessibility concerns some women had raised and will accommodate the BreastCheck mobile unit for the length of time required to screen the population.
"We are grateful to HSE Primary Care Centre Cahir for hosting BreastCheck and would like to thank Tipperary University Hospital for all they have done for us.”
Women who have additional queries or who are unable to attend screening in Cahir can contact BreastCheck and we will aim to find the most suitable location, date and time for them to attend.
Contact BreastCheck Southern Unit on 021 464 9700 Monday to Friday between 8am–5pm; Freephone 1800 45 45 55 from 9am-6pm, Monday to Friday; or email