
New multi-million domestic violence facility opens in Wexford

New multi-million domestic violence facility opens in Wexford

A new state-of-the-art domestic violence facility has officially opened in County Wexford.

The €6.5million building is the first to be delivered under the Government's Zero-Tolerance strategy.

The new building for Wexford Women's Refuge consists of 12 family units for those experiencing Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

Each unit in the new facility contains a bedroom, kitchen/living area, and bathroom, and can accommodate a family of one mother and her children.


It replaces the existing four-unit facility in the town, which is no longer fit for purpose.

Wexford Women’s Refuge

The facility was developed by Wexford Women’s Refuge in co-operation with Wexford County Council.

Wexford Women’s Refuge covers the whole of County Wexford and our Outreach Service endeavours to reach out to women who are unable to come into the Refuge for whatever reason.


The Refuge is open 24/7, 365 and operates a free 24-hour emergency helpline.

Wexford is the first of 18 priority locations to complete construction on a new domestic violence refuge as part of the Government’s work under Zero Tolerance, the Third National Strategy on domestic, sexual and gender-based violence, to double the number of refuge units.

Minister McEntee said, “A core aim of the Zero Tolerance Plan to Tackle Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence is ensuring that everyone who needs a refuge space will get one.

“With the launch of this new state-of-the-art facility in Wexford, refuge capacity for vulnerable women and children in this area has increased three-fold.


“It’s a hugely important step on the road to doubling the number of refuge spaces to 280 nationally over the lifetime of our Zero Tolerance plan. And I know Cuan, the new domestic, sexual and gender-based violence agency, is working to deliver the highest standard of accommodation and to ensure organisations are assisted at all stages on these developments.

“Today is an important day for Wexford and I am very grateful to all involved, especially Women’s Wexford Refuge, for their hard work in designing and planning this facility.”

The facility will also serve as a hub to facilitate community and outreach initiatives to support vulnerable families in the community.

Minister of State at the Department of Justice, James Browne TD, said: “Wexford Women’s Refuge have been at the frontline of supporting women and their children who have been subjected to domestic violence for nearly 25 years.

“This new building represents so much more than just a safe place for vulnerable victims – a full suite of support services is also being provided, including counselling, therapeutic services, and court liaison, to help support these families at perhaps the most difficult time in their lives.

“I want to thank refuge chair Vicky Barron and the Board of Directors, the staff and volunteers at the refuge for their tireless work to change the lives of women and children across county Wexford.”

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence and in need of support, you can reach out to Wexford Women's refuge by phoning 053 9121876 or 1800 220 444.

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