
More than a quarter of primary schools teach homeless children

More than a quarter of primary schools teach homeless children

The Irish Primary Principals' Network has said 27% of primary schools have children in their school that are homeless.

According to a recent survey carried out by the IPPN, homelessness can often impact on children’s school attendance and result in reduced participation in school life and learning.

The group is holding its annual conference in Dublin over the next two days with the Education Minister Joe McHugh due to attend.

IPPN CEO, Pairic Clerkin, said schools can often be a safe haven for children experiencing homelessness.


Mr Clerkin said: "The homeless issue is one in that we have 27% of our schools with homeless children.

"We now have 4,000 homeless children in Ireland and it's something that we are extremely concerned about, the school being the second home to an extent for some of these children."
