
Man charged following searches as part of Europe-wide crime investigation

Man charged following searches as part of Europe-wide crime investigation

A man in his 20s who was arrested on Wednesday in connection with a Europe-wide cyber scam and money laundering investigation has been charged.

The man appeared before the Criminal Courts of Justice in Dublin yesterday and will remain in custody until next Friday.

Gardaí from the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau, in conjunction with Europol, Eurojust and other EU Police forces, have been conducting an investigation into an Organised Crime Group involved in cyber based frauds including bogus online sales and accommodation frauds where people throughout the EU are duped into purchasing goods online but no goods are delivered.

The money is then laundered through back accounts in Ireland under false names.


It is estimated that over €1.5m has been laundered through the accounts in question over the past year.

Previous arrests as part of this ongoing investigation have been made in Finland and Ireland.

In Wednesday's searches by gardaí from the National Economic Crime Bureau in conjunction with Europol, false passports, documents, equipment and cash were seized in the Dublin area.
