
Major operation targeting speed underway for National Slow Down Day

Major operation targeting speed underway for National Slow Down Day

Gardaí are conducting a national speed enforcement operation over the next 24 hours as part of National Slow Down Day.

The joint campaign with the Road Safety Authority aims to tackle driver behaviour.

It began at 7 am this morning and will run until 7 o'clock tomorrow.

Last year, saw an increase in fatal road traffic collisions, with a total of 184 people losing their lives - with Tipperary having the most fatalities in the country at 16.


As of the 30th of August this year, 126 people have lost their lives on Irish roads - 17 in the South East.

Meanwhile, up to the end of June this year, over 70,000 fines had been issued to motorists for speeding - including one driver in Kilkenny who had been travelling at 174 km per hour in a 120km zone.

National Slow Down Day aims to remind motorists of the dangers of speeding and deter those intending to drive at excessive or inappropriate speeds.

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