
Libraries nationwide to receive funding of €650,000

Libraries nationwide to receive funding of €650,000

The government has announced that funding of €650,000 will be allocated to libraries nationwide from the Dormant Accounts Fund.

The funds will be distributed to assist libraries in providing support to communities at risk of being socially excluded, marginalised or disadvantaged.

The announcement was made by Seán Canney, Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development, Natural Resources and Digital Development, while payments will be made from the Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring.

The aim of the funding is to provide educational, lifelong learning, social inclusion, and community participation assistance through the library system, as well as to facilitate digital access for disadvantaged communities and to provide literacy supports.


South Dublin local authority will receive the largest tranche of funding from the government of €66,933, followed by Waterford (€48,513) and Cork City (€45,000).

At the other end of the scale, Leitrim will be allocated €5,400 by the department, followed by Longford (€5,625) and Clare (€7,310).

Wexford is next for the South-East with €37,502, followed by Kilkenny (€26,250), Carlow (€17,400) and Tipperary (€13,125).

Announcing the funding, Minister Canney said: “Our public library system has an important role to play in delivering additional educational services to comply with our Sustainable Development Goals. I am delighted to approve this funding which will help meet the needs of a diverse range of individuals and communities and facilitate inclusion and participation by all.


“The objective of the Dormant Accounts Fund is to support people who experience economic, social or educational disadvantage, or to assist persons with a disability. We want to build on existing library services and develop new relationships with local agencies and groups to facilitate greater engagement with those communities.”

“I have to commend the local authorities for again recognising the invaluable service the libraries provide and co-funding this €650,000 with €150,000 local authority contribution giving a total investment package of €800,000.

You can see how much funding has been earmarked for each area here.
