
Landlords urge removal of Covid-19 crisis rent freeze and eviction ban

Landlords urge removal of Covid-19 crisis rent freeze and eviction ban

Landlords are calling on the Housing Minister not to extend the emergency measures introduced to protect renters during the Covid-19 crisis beyond July 20th.

The measures, including a temporary rent freeze and ban on evictions, were signed into law March 27 as thousands lost their jobs as a result of the crisis and were set to expire at the end of June.

The legislation was later extended until July 20, with landlords now fearing another extension by government this month.

The Irish Property Owners Association says the emergency law is protecting anti-social tenants, leading to distressed neighbours.


It wants Minister Darragh O'Brien to allow the private rental market to function in a normal way.

Irish Property Owners Association spokesperson, Margaret McCormick says landlords are facing a range of issues:

“We have breaches of legislation, too many people in accommodation, sometimes animals in accommodation, difficulties that the neighbours are having with the situation.”

“We have pre-Covid arrears, tenancies that had been terminated prior to Covid-19 coming in and those people are allowed to remain in the properties. So we have huge difficulties with the situation.”


Under the emergency legislation, tenants may still be evicted during the emergency period, provided they received a notice of termination that expired before the introduction of the measures.
