
Joan Burton calls for laws to allow adoptees to get information on birth parents

Joan Burton calls for laws to allow adoptees to get information on birth parents

Former Tánaiste Joan Burton has criticised the fact that she's still not allowed access to her own Birth Certificate.

The Labour party Deputy, who was adopted as a baby, wants the Government to push through new laws allowing adoptees information on their birth parents.

The legislation is proving problematic because of their rights to privacy.

The Bill has passed the second stage in the Seanad and is awaiting committee stage.


Joan Burton thinks it is important it is passed as soon as possible.

"I have been a senior lecturer in DIT, I've been a TD, I've been a Minister, I've been a Tánaiste, I've lived and worked abroad, right around the world, and I still cannot say to our HSE/Tusla, 'Please, can I have a legal right to all of my information?'

"I'm not going to go mad with the information."

IMAGE: Joan Burton


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