
Irish company named among groups in Grenfell report accused of "systematic dishonesty"

Irish company named among groups in Grenfell report accused of "systematic dishonesty"
A crane covers the ruin of Grenfell Tower, © PA Archive/PA Images

"Decades of failure" by the British Government and construction industry has been blamed for the Grenfell Tower tragedy in London seven years ago.

The final report into the fire which killed 72 people shows authorities were too slow to act on the dangers of flammable materials on the building.

It also found there was "systematic dishonesty" of firms who sold the cladding.

Martin Moore-Bick, the chair of the Inquiry, says this cannot happen again.


"The deaths that occurred were all avoidable.

"Those who lived in the tower were badly failed for a number of years and in a number of different by those who were responsible for ensuring the safety of the building and its occupants."

Irish company Kingspan has been named in the Grenfell report as one of a number of groups accused of "systematic dishonesty" on their part.

The Cavan based group provided some of the insulation used in the tower.


According to the inquiry, from 2005 until 2017, "Kingspan knowingly created a false market in insulation for use on buildings over 18 metres in height”.

In response, the company welcomed the report which they say explains "clearly and unambiguously" the type of insulation was "immaterial".

Kingspan says the product made up 5% of the insulation used in the tower block.

It also welcomed the report's findings that the principal reason for the spread of fire was the cladding and not the insulation.


Irish construction firm Kingspan has expressed its "deepest sympathies to those impacted" by the Grenfell tragedy.

It also says it has "acknowledged the wholly unacceptable historical failings that occurred in part of our UK insulation business" which they have "emphatically addressed".

It's understood the fire was started by an electrical fault in a refrigerator on the fourth floor.

According the Independent, a report in 2019, from the first phase of the inquiry, concluded the tower’s cladding did not comply with building regulations and was the “principal” reason for the rapid and “profoundly shocking” spread of the blaze.

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