
Gardaí appeal for witnesses to Dublin shooting as victim remains in critical condition

Gardaí appeal for witnesses to Dublin shooting as victim remains in critical condition

Gardaí have appealed for information following a gun attack in west Dublin yesterday.

Lee Boylan, 24, was seriously injured after he was shot a number of times while stopped in traffic at the junction of Blakestown road and Huntstown Way at 5pm.

He was treated at the scene and taken to taken to Connolly Hospital.

He has since been transferred to Beaumont Hospital where his condition is understood to be critical.

Gardai examine the scene this morning on Saddlers Drive, Mulhuddart, where the suspected getaway car used in the shooting was discovered yesterday evening.Photo: Colin Keegan, Collins.

Mr Boylan was driving a white VW van registration number 151D43908 and stopped in traffic at the junction when he was approached and shot a number of times in the upper body by a gunman.

It is understood the gunman had come from the passenger seat of a black/grey BMW.

That car was then driven to nearby Saddlers Lawn where it was set on fire, while the gunman fled on foot to Huntstown Lawn.

The investigation is being led from the incident room in Blanchardstown Station.


Gardaí say their investigation is ongoing and no arrests have been made as yet.

An examination of the crime scene is continuing.

Speaking this afternoon from the scene, Superintendent Liam Carolan said: "We are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to yesterday’s shooting incident to contact the incident room at Blanchardstown Garda Station.


"We are particularly interested in the movements of a black /grey BMW 320 coupe, registration number 05KY5360, seen around the Blakestown Road area or adjoining estates yesterday between 9am and 5pm.

"We understand this BMW car was recently purchased in the Ronanstown area and we would also be anxious to speak to anyone who has observed this car between 9/2/2019 and 6/3/2019 to contact us.”

Supt Carolan said the gunman is described as 6ft tall, and was wearing a dark bulky parka-style jacket, a black baseball cap with a white logo and a blue glove on his left hand.

"We also wish to speak with the driver of a black VW Golf seen leaving this estate shortly after the incident. Finally, we would like to speak with anyone who was in the Saddlers Estate, Mulhuddart when the BMW was set alight," he said.

"The driver of the BMW car is described as approximately 6ft tall, approximately 40-50 years of age, with grey facial hair. He was wearing a baseball cap and a hooded top.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Blanchardstown Garda Station 01 666 7000 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111.
