Organisers of the 'Fusion Ball, Kilkenny' discos in the City have come under fire for a Facebook post they published yesterday.
It's after they said that certain dresses were banned from future discos.

There's been a mixed reaction so far.
One person who commented said:
"I don't have girls but I have to say I was very uncomfortable with your post. Are we raising independent women or going back to the 80s? I'm not going to be drawn into an argument on this but I just felt the phrase "keep it neat and discreet ladies" was a poor choice of words."
Another said:
"I think they went about this the wrong way but it seems gimme they are only trying to protect you not discriminate. They have clearly done it the wrong way but I think you should hear them out before harshly judging. It does seem like they were just trying to protect. Not discriminate."
The organisers of the Fusion Ball say a dress-code has always been in place, since their first ever ball back in 2005.
“We put up a reminder of this before every ball and we also have it on the back of all tickets.
The Dress-code is as follows: Boys Wear: Shirt and Tie, Slacks and Shoes
Girls Wear: A Dress and Shoes. Shoes can be sandals, heels or flat pumps. Dress can be knee length or just above the knee
They've since updated their page with the below status:

Since the orgininal post was put up, it's been shared over 124 times and there's over 430 comments