
Funeral for mother-of-two Daena Walsh (27) takes place today

Funeral for mother-of-two Daena Walsh (27) takes place today

The funeral of Daena Walsh takes place in Co. Wicklow this morning.

The-27-year old was found dead an apartment in Midleton in Co. Cork last Friday afternoon.

The mother of two is originally from Co. Wicklow.

29-year-old Adam Corcoran with an address an address at John Barry House, Connolly St. in Midleton has been charged with her murder.

Funeral Arrangments


Daena Walsh is survived by her loving sons Ezra and Kyson, her mother, brothers and extended family, relatives and friends.

Her funeral service will take place at St. Laurence O' Toole's Church, Roundwood, arriving for 11.00am.

A cremation service will follow at McCrea’s Cremation Chapel, Dublin Road in Wicklow town.

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