
Fresh calls for later train service from Waterford to Dublin

Fresh calls for later train service from Waterford to Dublin

There are fresh appeals for later train times to be introduced that service the South East region.

The Green Party's Marc Ó Cathasaigh met with Irish Rail CEO Jim Meade to discuss rail capital investment in the region.

The Waterford TD is calling on Irish Rail to improve South East services and extend the existing timetable to include more rail services.

Among the topics discussed was the need for better connectivity and more bike carriages on South East routes.


Deputy Ó Cathasaigh also says we need a later train service from Dublin to Waterford.

"Currently, the latest service you can get from Dublin back down to Waterford eaves Dublin at 6:35pm.

"If you've have spent a day working in Dublin and only clock off at 6pm, you're trying to negotiate your way through traffic, there is a lot of people that would miss that train service.

"I'm looking at that last train service that goes to Carlow which is at 8:15pm to be extended further down to Waterford to give people more options."


Deputy Mark Ó Cathasaigh is also calling for improvements on the Waterford to Limerick route:

"There are just two services a day, the timing of the services don't really do any favours and I want to see that dropped.

"As it is in the All-Island Rail strategy, I want to see that train every two hours on that line.

"It would really increase connectivity, particularly for students who are trying to get to SETU or across to Limerick for their third level education. I think it would be a huge boost to the region."


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