
Fórsa members stage protest at St Luke's Hospital Kilkenny

Fórsa members stage protest at St Luke's Hospital Kilkenny
Repro free No Charge for Repro 09-10-2024 Fórsa members to take part in lunchtime protest today at St Luke's Picture Dylan Vaughan.

Members of Fórsa trade union working at St Luke's General Hospital in Kilkenny, took part in a lunchtime protest yesterday.

The protest is one of a series of lunchtime protests by members of Fórsa, the INMO and SIPTU organised in response to the HSE's suppression of thousands of frontline health posts.

They say it's affecting community and acute health services, mental health and services to older people.

Yesterday's protest at St Luke's follows protests last week in Dublin and Cork, while more protests are to take place this week in Dublin, Louth and Offaly, in addition to continuing protests planned for the coming weeks.


From next Monday (14th October) Fórsa members at St Luke's, and other HSE employments in the region, will be balloted for industrial action, up to and including strike action, as part of the ongoing campaign.

The union has said current pressures on services are set to get worse as demand rises in the winter months, while existing staff are forced to cope with an insufficient complement of staff in most departments.

Linda Kelly, an official with Fórsa’s Health & Welfare division, said continuing employment restrictions in the health sector is putting patient services under enormous strain: “Health workers are determined to take a stand, because they experience, first-hand, the negative effect it’s having on waiting times.

“While the HSE may maintain that the number of employees across the organisation has never been higher, the reality is that, against the backdrop of increased services and higher demands from an ageing demographic with more complex needs, the HSE remains under-resourced.


“The HSE has entered a process of chaotic downsizing, with arbitrary decisions being made regarding the non-filling of critical frontline positions. Our members' ability to deliver safe services has now been severely compromised,” she said.

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