Councillor Padraig O’Sullivan has emerged as the victor at a Fianna Fáil selection convention to represent the party in the seat left vacant by Billy Kelleher TD in Cork North Central.
Mr Kelleher was a TD from 1997 to 2019. He has been a MEP since July of this year.
Cllr O’Sullivan lives in Glanmire, Co Cork. A native of Little Island in the county he is heavily involved with the Little Island Community Association, Leeside AFC soccer club and the Glanmire Area Community Association.
He currently serves on the Roads and Transport SPC and the Planning SPC in Cork County Council. A teacher by profession he is also a member of the Cork ETB.
Mr O’Sullivan saw off the challenge of former Fianna Fáil Lord Mayor of Cork Tony Fitzgerald and city councillor Kenneth O’Flynn at a selection convention in the Commons Inn in Cork last night.
He scooped 49 of the 108 votes in the first count and acquired nine more in the second count following the elimination of Cllr O’Flynn. The quota was 55 votes.
It is understood that a second candidate may well be added to the Fianna Fáil ticket in Cork North Central.
Cllr O'Sullivan said he was delighted to contest the next general election in Cork North Central.
One of his key interests is education.
He said: “At this time of the year I am keenly aware of the costs faced by parents in sending their children back to school and I believe we must find a better way forward instead of parents having to put themselves into debt. "
MEP Billy Kelleher attended the convention. He expressed gratitude for the assistance he has received over the years.
“Thanks to everyone over many years for all their help and support.”