
Extra Garda checkpoints in place across the South East this Summer

Extra Garda checkpoints in place across the South East this Summer
Photo: Colin Keegan.

Extra Garda checkpoints will be prevalent in the South East this Summer.

Gardaí across the region are taking part in the high-visibility crime prevention operation called Operation Coinním.

The initiative will run throughout the Summer and will involve what Gardaí have described as “high visibility beat/mobile patrolling schedule”.

This operation is taking place along local, coastal and seasonal recreation areas in the Eastern Region to help keep the roads safe from harm.


An Garda Síochána are encouraging all drivers to never drive under the influence, never use a mobile phone and to reduce their speed.

Deirdre O Neil, Crime Prevention Officer in Waterford Garda Station.

"All across the South East, there will be an increase in checkpoints.

"With the Commissioner's directive that every unit is to complete a thirty minute checkpoint, there is an increase in checkpoints.


"Traditionally in the Summer we would increase those checkpoints, particularly around Bank Holidays.

"The checkpoints are going to be extensive, between two to three hours, and they will be randomly located at different points.

"This is a big feature for our young drivers to be aware of your driving manner and the style at which you drive."

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