
Extra demand for sex trade during Ploughing, says Ruhama

Extra demand for sex trade during Ploughing, says Ruhama

Demand for sex workers increases during large male-dominated events such as the National Ploughing Championships, Six Nations and All Ireland Championship, according to an Irish NGO.

Ruhama is an Irish organisation which works with women affected by prostitution and aims to raise public awareness of the harms of prostitution and human trafficking.

The organisation's annual report published this week found a 30% increase in people coming forward for help last year, with 155 people affected by human trafficking.

Its Chief Executive Barbara Condon told the Sunday Times Ireland, "We know from the women we work with and from Garda intelligence when the peak times are for sex purchases."


"It's to do with different cultures, but it's also large gatherings of men because it's largely men who purchase sex," she said.

She told the paper this week there was 'extra demand for the sex trade' when the National Ploughing Championships took place.

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