
Experts call for ban on HHC 'cannabis-like' substances

Experts call for ban on HHC 'cannabis-like' substances

Experts are calling for a ban on a legal, cannabis-like substance being sold here.

An increase in the number of young people attending addiction services is being linked to the semi-synthetic substance known as HHC.

HHC is a semisynthetic version of CBD.

It can be found in vapes and edibles and is currently not classed as a controlled substance.


Addiction specialist Bobby Smyth says action is needed to clamp down on its sale and supply:

"We want to see the sale of this product end.

"We also want to see action that was going to be a sufficient deterrent to ensure that other similar products waiting in the wings aren't unleashed on the public by the entrepreneurs that are currently selling HHC," Professor Smyth said.

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