
€17.3m urban regeneration project announced for Waterford City

€17.3m urban regeneration project announced for Waterford City

It's been announced that work will get underway next month as part of a regeneration project for Waterford City centre.

Upgrades in areas such as High Street, the Apple Market and from Railway Square to the Mall are included in the €17.3million investment

It's expected parts of the project will be completed by early 2017, with the full programme to be finished in the first half of 2018.

CEO of Waterford Council Michael Walsh told Beat News it's great to get this project running:


"People will be very familiar with the works done on the Quays, the Viking Triangle and historically done on the likes of John Robert's Square and George's Street"

"Now the remainder is being done on John's Street and Michael's Street primarily, but equally with improvement in access in the Poleberry area as well"
