
€1000 fine for house parties - but only if the door is answered

€1000 fine for house parties - but only if the door is answered

Gardaí will be able to fine homeowners for throwing a house party - but only if they answer the door.

The development came to light following comments by the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) earlier today.

A €1000 fine is being proposed for someone throwing a house party with a maximum of €2,500 euro for a third offence.

On the spot fines of up to €500 have also been put forward for people who don't wear a face mask or those who breach the 5-kilometre limit.


General Secretary of the AGSI, Antoinette Cunningham, says Gardaí still don't have the power to enter a private household:

"It's the practical application of that we're concerned about", she said.

"If we don't [get a response at the door] it seems we are powerless. It's very important for us to manage public expectations. Sometimes, people do feel when they call the guards that we absolutely have the response to dealing with the issue and sometimes we don't."

