
Cost of on-street parking in Dublin set for increase

Cost of on-street parking in Dublin set for increase

Motorists in Dublin city centre are being warned that the cost of on-street parking is set for an increase.

As of next Monday, July 15, leaving your car in a designated parking space will cost over 10% more.

Dublin City Council approved the move to increase the cost of on-street parking in the city last February, and it is the first time there has been a price hike since 2008.

The different colour coded zone around the city have also been expanded.


From next Monday, anyone who parks in the yellow zone will have to pay €3.20 an hour - up from €2.90.

Those parking in the red zone will see an increase of 30c to €2.70 per hour, while in the suburban green zone areas, motorists who were paying a €1.60 hourly rate are facing a 56% price hike up to €2.70.

The only concession will be for those with accessing the Parking Tag app- they will get a 10% discount in yellow and red zones.

Patient support groups have raised issue with the move, saying the new extended yellow zone will now take in the streets around the Mater Hospital where patients and visitors regularly park.
