
Controversial passenger cap at Dublin Airport will be exceeded this year

Controversial passenger cap at Dublin Airport will be exceeded this year
Photo: Granne Ni Aodha/PA Wire

A controversial passenger cap at Dublin Airport will be exceeded this year.

The warning from the Dublin Airport Authority comes after a record breaking summer at the airport, with 10 million people through the doors.

DAA CEO Kenny Jacobs says they expect passenger numbers to hit close to 33 million this year.

That's above the 32 million cap introduced 16 years ago as part of planning permission for the second terminal.


"We've done all we can to comply. We've removed all incentives and we've discouraged seven new airlines that wanted to come to Dublin."

He also says there's a real risk jobs will be lost next year.

However, Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary says the restriction is forcing airlines to divert planes away from Dublin and should be scrapped.

"I think the only real thing that will act as a spur is when the crisis blows up this Christmas.


"When the airlines offer 250,000 less seats to Dublin this Christmas. When air fares charge 500 one way, when 50,000 Dubliners are coming home to see their families and friends via Belfast."

Fingal County Council says the admission will feed into a planning enforcement investigation already underway into complaints the cap was breached.

The DAA has applied to increase the restriction to 40 million passengers a year - but a decision isn't expected for some time.

Reporting by Emma Tyrrell


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