
Consumer sentiment rises as fears of Brexit damage drop

Consumer sentiment rises as fears of Brexit damage drop

People are getting more optimistic about their ability to spend because the don't fear Brexit as much.

The KBC Bank Ireland Consumer Sentiment Index released today shows consumer spending edged slightly higher in June.

The bank is putting it down to 'Brexit fatigue', with the risks of Britain leaving the EU slightly less of concern.

KBC Bank Ireland Chief Economist Austin Hughes says it isn't much of a shift in consumers' outlook:


"Consumer sentiment has edged up fractionally in June 90.7 against 89.9 so it's no major change in the mood of Irish consumers," he said.

"But it is encouraging that it's going in the right direction.

Breaking down the findings in more detail, Mr Hughes said:

"People are a bit more positive about their own household expenses, a little less negative about the economic outlook which is obviously under the shadow of Brexit."
