
'Christmas comet' to be seen in Ireland over festive season

'Christmas comet' to be seen in Ireland over festive season

A 'Christmas comet' is set to pass unusually close to Earth this December, according to Astronomy Ireland.

Comet Wirtanen is set to fly closer to Earth than it ever will during our lifetime.

The comet is set to be seen in Irish skies and when at its closest and brightest around mid-December it should even be visible from city suburbs.

David Moore, Editor of Astronomy Ireland magazine, said: "We have not had a comet this well placed and bright for many years.


"We have dubbed Comet Wirtanen 'the Christmas Comet of 2018' for this reason.

"We want to give the general public a close up look at this comet in powerful telescopes.

"We'll show them where it is in the sky with the naked eye and then show them a close up view several thousand times better in the telescopes!"

Astronomy Ireland says they will be setting up telescopes so people can get a view of the comet at its headquarters in Dublin on December 14.
