
Childcare workers suspended following alleged abuse at creche

Childcare workers suspended following alleged abuse at creche

Gardaí and Tusla are investigating allegations of abuse involving young children at a Dublin creche.

The Irish Times reports four childcare workers have been suspended as a result of the claims, while two other staff members have been suspended for failing to report the allegations promptly.

They include reports of slapping children's heads, hitting their legs, force-feeding them until they vomit, repeatedly calling a child "fatty", and wiping kids' noses so hard they fell backwards and hurt their heads.

Children's Minister Roderic O'Gorman says there are specific laws in place to protect children in childcare settings.


"I have no doubt any parent is deeply deeply concerned.

"We have an extremely strong regulatory system around childcare in this country - childcare providers are regulated by Tusla, the Department of Education and Pobal.

"Tusla and Gardaí will work closely in terms of completing this investigation, the Minister said.

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