
CervicalCheck faces backlog of 78,000 smear tests

CervicalCheck faces backlog of 78,000 smear tests

There is a backlog of almost 80,000 cervical smear tests as the system struggles to cope with extra demand.

An additional 90,000 women sought a smear test after free re-checks were offered in the wake of the CervicalCheck scandal.

HSE bosses will give an update on the CervicalCheck scandal at an Oireachtas Committee this morning.

TDs and Senators will hear there remains a backlog of 78,000 tests in the system.


In the past, it took four to six weeks to get a result from a smear test.

The current average waiting time is more than 13 weeks, although it can take 27 weeks for the report to be provided.

Interim Director General of the HSE Anne O'Connor will say they have tried hard to find extra capacity internationally to process the smear tests faster, but she is to say there is a global shortage in cytology as more countries move towards HPV screening

The HSE bosses will say they are committed to introducing that screening here and that all resources are being put towards stabilizing the cervical screening programme.
